Some interesting figures on patterns of movement within France may help give some clues how to successfuly market a property for sale.
There are around 3 million movements of people within France every year. Given the rate of annual property transactions at up to 800 000, that represents two to four people on average per household, which seems about right.
Of these 93% move no further than within their own region! The reasons for this include:
- the lack of jobs to be found elsewhere;
- one of the spouses being the principal or only wage earner;
- children at school or at a critical stage such as a first job or apprenticeship;
- extended family commitments from babysitting by grand-parents to caring for elderly or sick family members.
There are only two regions of France which are growing as a result of incomers from outside the region - Provence/Côte d'Azur and Languedoc-Roussillon. The new arrivals are predominantly retirees ( from among the estimated 10 million baby boomers from the post-war years) who are not seeking work - Languedoc-Roussillon has above average unemployment locally. These potential purchasers have funds in hand from the sale of their home in the (former) industrial areas and a secure pension, and are seeking a retirement home in the sun.
There are around 3 million movements of people within France every year. Given the rate of annual property transactions at up to 800 000, that represents two to four people on average per household, which seems about right.
Of these 93% move no further than within their own region! The reasons for this include:
- the lack of jobs to be found elsewhere;
- one of the spouses being the principal or only wage earner;
- children at school or at a critical stage such as a first job or apprenticeship;
- extended family commitments from babysitting by grand-parents to caring for elderly or sick family members.
There are only two regions of France which are growing as a result of incomers from outside the region - Provence/Côte d'Azur and Languedoc-Roussillon. The new arrivals are predominantly retirees ( from among the estimated 10 million baby boomers from the post-war years) who are not seeking work - Languedoc-Roussillon has above average unemployment locally. These potential purchasers have funds in hand from the sale of their home in the (former) industrial areas and a secure pension, and are seeking a retirement home in the sun.